我是高一新生李华,在学习英语过程中遇到的困难,给English Weekty的编辑写一封短信1,自我介绍:2,遇到的困难:3,希望得到建议和帮助


我是高一新生李华,在学习英语过程中遇到的困难,给English Weekty的编辑写一封短信
editer, my name is lihua,and I am a senior One student.but these days I met with many troubles when I learnt English.for example,I can't read new words and I can't write good sentences. at last,my record is bad and I don't konw how to improve my English level.and I like reading the passages in English weekly.I wish that you can help me. Thanks. yours, lihua editer, my name is lihua,and I am a senior One student.but these days I met with many troubles when I learnt English.for example,I can't read new words and I can't write good sentences. at last,my record is bad and I don't konw how to improve my English level.and I like reading the passages in English weekly.I wish that you can help me. Thanks. yours, lihua