

6.站在塔顶上,我发现自己被云雾包围着.然而我仍能看到远处的山.那迷人的景色给我留下了深刻的印象(surround,in the distance,scenery,impress)
7.他善于交流,所以在工作中他和各种人打交道都应付自如(have a gift for,mix,manage)
8.据我所知,距离汽车站不到一百米就有一个银行(as far as,within)
1.In my childhood,I used to feel terrified when sleeping in the dark.
2.According to the tradition,eagles are usually seen as the symbol for courage.
3.The traffic in downtown is always terrible,I spend approximately an hour each day to get home.
4.On the broad roads in this city there are full of bushes and maples planted.
5.Her clothes and behavior confirmed my guess -she was indeed wealthy.
6.Standing on top of the tower,I noticed that I was surrounded by clouds.However,I can still see the mountains in the distance.That charming scenery impressed me deeply.
7.He has a gift for communicating,he can manage easily those that he encounter and mix with at work.
8.As far as I know,there is a bank within one hundred meters from the bus stop.
1.In my childhood,I used to feel terrified when sleeping in the dark.
2.According to the tradition,eagles are usually seen as the symbol for courage.
3.The traffic in downtown is always terrible,I spend approximately an hour each day to get home.
4.On the broad roads in this city there are full of bushes and maples planted.
5.Her clothes and behavior confirmed my guess -she was indeed wealthy.
6.Standing on top of the tower,I noticed that I was surrounded by clouds.However,I can still see the mountains in the distance.That charming scenery impressed me deeply.
7.He has a gift for communicating,he can manage easily those that he encounter and mix with at work.
8.As far as I know,there is a bank within one hundred meters from the bus stop.
相关标签: 英语翻译 小时候 黑暗 感到 害怕 按照 传统 常常 人们 当作 勇气 标志