高中英语的几个句子改写和语法填空1.原句:Mr.Smith gave up smoking quite a long time ago.He is health now.改写:Mr.Smith is in good health now for quite a long time since he .2.填适当词语:You made the same mistake for the second time,dropping "n" in the word "government".3.Can you


1.原句:Mr.Smith gave up smoking quite a long time ago.He is health now.
改写:Mr.Smith is in good health now for ______ ______quite a long time since he _______ _______.
2.填适当词语:You made the same mistake for the second time,dropping ________"n" in the word "government".
3.Can you explain how _____came about that you missed the morning classes?
(PS:这里的came about 希望能解释下)
额.以上几题希望有具体的解释,特别是2.3 题的翻译- -我没看懂他的意思.
1.【不填】【不填】【quited】【smoking】 (如果是其他天法,我现在还真的想不出.)quit smoking = give up smoking 戒烟全句意为:史密斯先生戒烟很久了,现在他身体很健康. = 自从戒了烟之后,很久以来他身... 1.【不填】【不填】【quited】【smoking】 (如果是其他天法,我现在还真的想不出.)quit smoking = give up smoking 戒烟全句意为:史密斯先生戒烟很久了,现在他身体很健康. = 自从戒了烟之后,很久以来他身...