求一篇英语演讲稿一加一大于二1.先推翻1 + 1 = 2的数学逻辑思维2.举例:一根筷子容易断,一把筷子不易断 3.举例:一个盲人和一个聋人互帮互助的4.举例:两个人互相交流知识的.4.总结:因此说1+1是大于2的,我们一定要认识到团队精神永远比个体的独自运作效率都要高.翻译以下最佳(软件翻译不要):大家都知道,在数学中1+1是等于2,但同时我们也知道,在实际中1+1是会大于2的.在很早以前.就有一个这样的故事:从前,有2兄弟,常常吵架,一天.父亲把他们叫到跟前,拿出一把筷子,说:"你们谁能把这把筷子折断


1.先推翻1 + 1 = 2的数学逻辑思维
We all know that in mathematics in the 1 +1 is equivalent to 2,but we also know that,in practice,1 +1 will be greater than 2.In a long time ago,there is such a story:Once upon a time,there are several brothers ,Often quarrels.Day,the father of their previous叫到,with a chopstick,said:"Who can you break this to chopsticks» "several packs of the pack are brothers,who also packs constantly.This to his father down the chopsticks,assigned to each one,ask them to pack again,this time,they cut off on a discount.His father said:"Look,a more solid chopsticks,folding constantly.Chopsticks one of the very easy to break.Later,you will not noisy,only has the power to unite." I give another example of more practical,such as A blind and a deaf,if two people have to cross the road,because the blind eyes can not see,so he could go off the road when the vehicle,then or because the lights and invisible Chuanghong Deng.Deaf and not listen to him,If he faced danger on the road,drivers not listen to sound the horn,or passers-reminder.Crossing the road is more dangerous,but if they cross the two together,help each other,not listening to the deaf while,but he can guide the blind Walk the sidewalk,it will help the blind to see lights.And although the blind can not see,but he could hear,see,if in danger,the blind can hear the car horn or remind passers,so that he can pull the Deaf,to remind him It is dangerous.So that a blind man and a deaf people can do they can not do two separate things in our life,we often find that 1 +1> 2 of the situation I have a very good friend of our A study .. We all know that in mathematics in the 1 +1 is equivalent to 2,but we also know that,in practice,1 +1 will be greater than 2.In a long time ago,there is such a story:Once upon a time,there are several brothers ,Often quarrels.Day,the father of their previous叫到,with a chopstick,said:"Who can you break this to chopsticks» "several packs of the pack are brothers,who also packs constantly.This to his father down the chopsticks,assigned to each one,ask them to pack again,this time,they cut off on a discount.His father said:"Look,a more solid chopsticks,folding constantly.Chopsticks one of the very easy to break.Later,you will not noisy,only has the power to unite." I give another example of more practical,such as A blind and a deaf,if two people have to cross the road,because the blind eyes can not see,so he could go off the road when the vehicle,then or because the lights and invisible Chuanghong Deng.Deaf and not listen to him,If he faced danger on the road,drivers not listen to sound the horn,or passers-reminder.Crossing the road is more dangerous,but if they cross the two together,help each other,not listening to the deaf while,but he can guide the blind Walk the sidewalk,it will help the blind to see lights.And although the blind can not see,but he could hear,see,if in danger,the blind can hear the car horn or remind passers,so that he can pull the Deaf,to remind him It is dangerous.So that a blind man and a deaf people can do they can not do two separate things in our life,we often find that 1 +1> 2 of the situation I have a very good friend of our A study ..