早在春秋战国时期,孟子就提出了“读其书,颂其诗.不知其人可乎?是以知人论世矣.”[3]心理学家也说:“分析一个人的性格特征时,必须要考虑到生活和社会历史条件,也要考虑到教育的倾向.”[4]伊丽莎白是一位中产阶级的小姐,受过中等教育,是一名绅士的女儿.同贵族阶级相比,家庭地位还是较低下,亲友又是没有教养,常常在公众场合丑态百出,使她自惭自愧.在这样的环境中就为她性格中的偏见奠定了基础 帮忙翻译成英语


As early as the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period,Mencius raised a "Reading his books,Chung His poetry.I wonder if he can or Down?Commenting on is carry on."[3] The psychologist also said :"Analysis of a person's character traits,we must take into account life and the social and historical conditions,we must also take into account the tendency of education."[4] Elizabeth is a middle-class girl with secondary education,is the daughter of a gentleman.Compared with the nobility,family status or lower,friends or relatives is not taught in public places are often ugly,she Zican quite.In such an environment for her character on the bias lay the foundation As early as the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period,Mencius raised a "Reading his books,Chung His poetry.I wonder if he can or Down?Commenting on is carry on."[3] The psychologist also said :"Analysis of a person's character traits,we must take into account life and the social and historical conditions,we must also take into account the tendency of education."[4] Elizabeth is a middle-class girl with secondary education,is the daughter of a gentleman.Compared with the nobility,family status or lower,friends or relatives is not taught in public places are often ugly,she Zican quite.In such an environment for her character on the bias lay the foundation
相关标签: 春秋战国 时期 孟子 提出 分析 考虑 生活 社会 历史