英语翻译摘 要汽车空调系统已成为现代轿车的基本配备,已由单一的制冷制热发展到现在的制冷制热一体化,给汽车空调的使用与检测带来新的挑战.本文针对汽车空调的组成及工作原理作了详细的阐述,论文最后以汽车空调故障检修的方法,对汽车空调系统的再深入探讨,以达到对汽车空调系统的了解,并运用在实际工作中.关键词:汽车空调 压缩机 检修


摘 要
关键词:汽车空调 压缩机 检修
Automotive air-conditioning system has been the basic assembly.It has developed into cooling and heating integration from unitary air cooling and heating systems,giving rise to new challenges to the use and recondition of the air-condition.
The paper elaborates the makeup of air-condition and operating principle.Eventually,according to the methods of corrective maintenance of air-condition,the paper has carried on the thorough discussion and the research to the automotive air-conditioning to get to know it and apply it in pratical work.
Automotive air-conditioning system has been the basic assembly.It has developed into cooling and heating integration from unitary air cooling and heating systems,giving rise to new challenges to the use and recondition of the air-condition.
The paper elaborates the makeup of air-condition and operating principle.Eventually,according to the methods of corrective maintenance of air-condition,the paper has carried on the thorough discussion and the research to the automotive air-conditioning to get to know it and apply it in pratical work.