阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。   Listening to music while you drive can improve your speed and ability to get away from accidents according to Australian psychologists (心理学家).But turning your car radio up to full volume could probably mak




  Listening to music while you drive can improve your speed and ability to get away from accidents according to Australian psychologists (心理学家).But turning your car radio up to full volume could probably make you end up in an accident.The performance of difficult tasks can be affected if people are subjected to loud noise.The experience of pulling up at traffic lights alongside care with loud music made some psychologists in the University of Sydney look into whether loud music has something to do with driving.

  The psychologists invited 60 men and women aged between 20 and 28 as subjects and tested them on almost the same driving tasks under three noise conditions: silence rock music played at a gentle 55 decibels (分贝) and the same music at 85 decibels.

  For l0 minutes the subjects sat in front of a screen operating a simple machine like a car.They had to track a moving disk on screen respond to traffic signals changing color and brake (刹车) in response to arrows that appeared without warning.

  On the tracking task there was no difference in performance under the three noise conditions.But under both the loud and quiet music conditions the performers “braked” at a red light about 50 milliseconds sooner than they did when there was no rock music at all.That could mean a reduction in braking distance of a couple of meters actually the difference between life and death for a pedestrian(行人).

  When it came to the arrows that appeared across the visual field the psychologists found that when the music was quiet people responded faster to objects in their central field of sight by about 50 milliseconds.For the people listening at 85 decibels.response times dropped by a further 50 milliseconds - a whole tenth of second faster than those “driving” with no music.

  “But there’s a trade - off ” the psychologists told the European Congress of Psychology.“They lose the ability to look around the whole situation effectively.” In responding to objects that suddenly appeared people subjected to 85-decibel rock music were around 100 milliseconds slower than both the other groups.Since some accidents - such as children running into the road -take place without any notice drivers listening to loud music must be less safe as a result.

1.Which of the following is the best way to make driving safer?

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A.Loud music.

B.Quiet music.


D.Heavy metal music.

2.What does the phrase “pulling up” in paragraph two mean?

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B.Giving somebody a lift.

C.Putting up with.


3.Where did the researchers do the experiment?

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A.At crossroads.

B.At a police traffic station.

C.In a crowded street.

D.Under the same conditions as those of the streets.

4.Which of the following didn't help the performers to “brake” sooner at red lights?

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B.Loud music.

C.Quiet music.

D.Rock music.

5.Which of the following is NOT true of loud music?

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A.It helped the performers to brake sooner at red lights.

B.lt helped the performers to be more careful.

C.It helped the performers to respond faster to objects suddenly stepping in the way.

D.It can do more good than harm to drivers.
