急求英语三级口语考试话题情景对话搞,2分钟左右的情景如下:Topic 1 MemoryA complains to B that he forgets things easily recently.B comforts A and tries to help A by finding the reasons and providing some good ways to improve memory.Topic 2:School LifeA worries about his/her term paper


情景如下:Topic 1 MemoryA complains to B that he forgets things easily recently.B comforts A and tries to help A by finding the reasons and providing some good ways to improve memory.Topic 2:School LifeA worries about his/her term paper and mentions ways of cheating(such as asking B to write a term paper for him/her,downloading articles from the Internet,preparing a cheat-sheet).B promises to help but warns against any forms of cheating,and finally A promises to study hard.Topic 3 Job HuntingA,a computer major,needs help in landing a job because the IT industry has been shrinking owning to the economic recession.A has asked his/her friends and relatives for job information,but in vain.B suggests some ways to find a possible job,such as going to job fairs,reading newspaper,want ads,and searching the Internet,etc.
A: Hi !
B: Hey, you look not very well, what's wrong?
A: I seem to have amnesia, always forget the recent things
B: Don't worry.That happens sometimes. Have you stayed up late recently?A: Er, sleep is a bit late now, there are so many things to doB: Let me see ... Your recent is there a lot of work to do?A:You know it is the final, there are a lot of the exam, so i need to review all the work. there are some work to write a summary, so time is very busy.B:Yes, it is relatively busy recently, but you shouldn't be nervous, it will only up to the opposite effect.You must learn to RestA:Yes,I know now. I will pay attention to rest,thank you.B:That's ok,goodbye.A:Bye!
A: Hi !
B: Hey, you look not very well, what's wrong?
A: I seem to have amnesia, always forget the recent things
B: Don't worry.That happens sometimes. Have you stayed up late recently?A: Er, sleep is a bit late now, there are so many things to doB: Let me see ... Your recent is there a lot of work to do?A:You know it is the final, there are a lot of the exam, so i need to review all the work. there are some work to write a summary, so time is very busy.B:Yes, it is relatively busy recently, but you shouldn't be nervous, it will only up to the opposite effect.You must learn to RestA:Yes,I know now. I will pay attention to rest,thank you.B:That's ok,goodbye.A:Bye!