英语翻译下面是一段本人在《外语教学法》中不太理解的话,特别是括号里的那些,请竟可能翻得通俗易懂,不甚感激!“He accepts Malinowski's statement that meaning is determined by the context of situation and he fully agrees with Firth that the context of situation must have an important position in a descriptive li


“He accepts Malinowski's statement that meaning is determined by the context of situation and he fully agrees with Firth that the context of situation must have an important position in a descriptive linguistic model.As early as 1961 when he was discussing categories of a grammatical theory,he made quite clear his point of view that linguistic events should be accounted for at three primary levels:substance,form,and context.The substance is the material of language which can be phonic or graphic.The form is the organization of the substance into meaningful event.(And by context he meant the relation of the form to non-linguistic features of the situations in which language operates and the relation of form to linguistic features other than those of the item under attantion.) [Halliday,1961] In the same article,he claimed that language has formal meaning and contextual meaning.The formal meaning of a linguistic item is its operation in the network of formal relations while the contextual meaning of an item refers to its relation to extratextual features,i.e.the context.
他接受了马林洛夫斯基的观点,即意义是由语境决定的,他也完全赞同弗斯的观点,即语境再描写语言学中应该有着重要的地位.早在1961年当他讨论语法理论中的范畴时,他就清楚的指出他的观点----应该从三个基本层面上解释语言学的问题,即基础,形式以及语境.基础是指语言材料(既可以是语音的也可以是书写的).形式是指对语言基础进行的组织(语境,是指形式和语言操作情况的非语言学特征之间的关系以及和那些不问注意到的语言学特征的关系){韩立德,1961}在同一篇文章中,他宣称语言有形式的意义也有语境的意义.一个语言项形式的意义是指其在形式关系层面上的意义,而语境意义则指的是其同外界的关系,例如,说话的语境. 他接受了马林洛夫斯基的观点,即意义是由语境决定的,他也完全赞同弗斯的观点,即语境再描写语言学中应该有着重要的地位.早在1961年当他讨论语法理论中的范畴时,他就清楚的指出他的观点----应该从三个基本层面上解释语言学的问题,即基础,形式以及语境.基础是指语言材料(既可以是语音的也可以是书写的).形式是指对语言基础进行的组织(语境,是指形式和语言操作情况的非语言学特征之间的关系以及和那些不问注意到的语言学特征的关系){韩立德,1961}在同一篇文章中,他宣称语言有形式的意义也有语境的意义.一个语言项形式的意义是指其在形式关系层面上的意义,而语境意义则指的是其同外界的关系,例如,说话的语境.