七、英汉互译。(10分) 1. 不得不 2. make the bed 3. 问路  4. traffic light 5. 去购物 6. dragon boat race 7. 脱下 8. go away 9. 看病 10. point at



1. 不得不 ____ 2. make the bed____

3. 问路 ____  4. traffic light____

5. 去购物 ____ 6. dragon boat race____

7. 脱下 ____ 8. go away ____

9. 看病 ____ 10. point at____


七、 1. have to   2. 整理床铺 3. ask the way   4. 交通灯 5. go shopping   6. 赛龙舟 7. take off   8. 走了, 离开 9. see the doctor   10. 指着,指向

七、 1. have to   2. 整理床铺 3. ask the way   4. 交通灯 5. go shopping   6. 赛龙舟 7. take off   8. 走了, 离开 9. see the doctor   10. 指着,指向
