英语翻译[心理测试]你对新环境的适应能力有多强1.临时通知明天要去一个你从来没有去过的地方考察,今天晚上你会A上网了解当地的基本状况、风土人情、交通路线、天气预报B先去超市买一堆路上吃的东西 2.在一个陌生的城市迷路的时候,你会A找当地人问路B不好意思问路,自己再走走看3.在一个谁都不认识的聚会上,你会A主动和身边的人或者聚会组织者聊天B站着等别人来搭讪4.你和一个人从初识到成为朋友的时间需要多长A一天以内B一周甚至更长5.你喜欢的老师退休了,来了一个新的老师,你会A很快适应新老师的教学方式B在很长一段时


如果选A多:你是一个能够很快适应新环境的人.在一个不熟悉的环境里,你能够很快了解基本情况,结识新的朋友.所以,你应该多主动和 那些看起来害羞内向的同学交朋友哦,帮助他们早一点适应陌生的环境.
[psychological tests] you to the new environment of how strong adaptability
1. Temporary notice to visit tomorrow a place you have never been to inspect, tonight you will
A surfing the Internet and understand the local basic status, customs, traffic routes, weather forecast
B first go to the supermarket to buy a heap of the way things to eat
2. In a strange city, you will get lost
A find local directions
B sorry for directions, oneself walk again see
3. In a don't know anybody's party, you will
A active and the people around him or party organizer chat
B stood waiting for others to strike up a conversation
4. A man from you and to become the friend that knows how long the time needs
Within A day
B a week or more
5. Do you like teacher retires, a new teacher, would you
A quickly adapt to the new teacher teaching methods
B in a very long period of time the new teacher, miss conflicts with original teacher
If choose A much: you are A can quickly adapt to the new environment. In an unfamiliar environment, you can quickly learn basic situation, meet new friends. Therefore, you should be more active and who seems shy introverted students make friends oh, help them earlier adapt to unfamiliar environment.
If choose B much: it seems that you can quickly adapt to the new environment. In an unfamiliar environment, you would have anxiety, helpless. You don't know how to understand this new place, also not good to make new friends. Suggest you don't be shy, bravely say first sentence. Actually make a new friend, didn't you think is so difficult.
[psychological tests] you to the new environment of how strong adaptability
1. Temporary notice to visit tomorrow a place you have never been to inspect, tonight you will
A surfing the Internet and understand the local basic status, customs, traffic routes, weather forecast
B first go to the supermarket to buy a heap of the way things to eat
2. In a strange city, you will get lost
A find local directions
B sorry for directions, oneself walk again see
3. In a don't know anybody's party, you will
A active and the people around him or party organizer chat
B stood waiting for others to strike up a conversation
4. A man from you and to become the friend that knows how long the time needs
Within A day
B a week or more
5. Do you like teacher retires, a new teacher, would you
A quickly adapt to the new teacher teaching methods
B in a very long period of time the new teacher, miss conflicts with original teacher
If choose A much: you are A can quickly adapt to the new environment. In an unfamiliar environment, you can quickly learn basic situation, meet new friends. Therefore, you should be more active and who seems shy introverted students make friends oh, help them earlier adapt to unfamiliar environment.
If choose B much: it seems that you can quickly adapt to the new environment. In an unfamiliar environment, you would have anxiety, helpless. You don't know how to understand this new place, also not good to make new friends. Suggest you don't be shy, bravely say first sentence. Actually make a new friend, didn't you think is so difficult.