想要几段比较长一点的英语情景对话要有一定难度的 但是话题不要太生僻了 最好是和生活相关的 双人对话 有中文意思当然更好 尽量长一点 能持续比较长的一段时间


要有一定难度的 但是话题不要太生僻了 最好是和生活相关的 双人对话 有中文意思当然更好 尽量长一点 能持续比较长的一段时间
A:Lool,The Great Wall
B:It's really magnificent!
A:This is a man-made wonder and it is thought of as one of the wonders in the world.Imagine the astronauts in spaces found that it is the only man-made thing that can be seen up there besides the pyramids in Egypt.
B:Look,so many people are here.I am sure that there are thoudsands of people visiting it every day.
A:Yes,there are more than ten of thoudsand visitors climbing The Great Wall every day.
B:What's the length og The Great Wall?
A:Rhe Great Wall menders form East to West for about 6000 kilometers or 12000 li.
B:Yes,the construction of The Great Wall first began during the Warring States period about 2500 years ago.Some small kingdoms built huge walls to protect their territories.When Qin Shihuang unified China in 221 Bc,he decided to have the various sections of the walls linked up and also extended.From then on,we got The Great Wall.
A:Ah,I see.The Great Wall has a history of more than two thousand years.
B:Let's go now.My friends told me that there is a famous Chinese saying"The one who hasn't been to The Great Wall is not a true man." We will be really true men when we get to the top.
A:Lool,The Great Wall
B:It's really magnificent!
A:This is a man-made wonder and it is thought of as one of the wonders in the world.Imagine the astronauts in spaces found that it is the only man-made thing that can be seen up there besides the pyramids in Egypt.
B:Look,so many people are here.I am sure that there are thoudsands of people visiting it every day.
A:Yes,there are more than ten of thoudsand visitors climbing The Great Wall every day.
B:What's the length og The Great Wall?
A:Rhe Great Wall menders form East to West for about 6000 kilometers or 12000 li.
B:Yes,the construction of The Great Wall first began during the Warring States period about 2500 years ago.Some small kingdoms built huge walls to protect their territories.When Qin Shihuang unified China in 221 Bc,he decided to have the various sections of the walls linked up and also extended.From then on,we got The Great Wall.
A:Ah,I see.The Great Wall has a history of more than two thousand years.
B:Let's go now.My friends told me that there is a famous Chinese saying"The one who hasn't been to The Great Wall is not a true man." We will be really true men when we get to the top.