下面是牛津译林版八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online travel的重点句子,请结合提示完成句子 。 1. (被设计) by Nancy Jackson.2. These words (写在) on it.3. When you play the game,you will       (扮演角色)    Itchy Feet.4. (例如) , when you reach London,


下面是牛津译林版八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Online travel的重点句子,请结合提示完成句子
1. ________ ________ ________ (被设计) by Nancy Jackson.
2. These words________ ________ (写在) on it.
3. When you play the game,you will________  ________  ________  ________ (扮演角色)
    Itchy Feet.
4. ________ ________ (例如) , when you reach London,you will learn about the museum of London
    and many other interesting places.
5. Get it before it________ ________ ________ (卖光) .
6. I hope I can have more ________  ________ (空余时间) to play.
1. It is designed
2. were written
3. play the role of
4. For example
5. is sold out
6. free time

1. It is designed
2. were written
3. play the role of
4. For example
5. is sold out
6. free time
