英语翻译请不要用在线翻译、软件翻译那些好吗,非常着急!SUNKOR无法正常换单(换单:delivery Order)是因为提单中的Consignee和SUNKOR的公章上的英文不一致.正确的Consignee是:SUNKOR SHANGHAI LTD,而提单中是SUNKOR LTD.所以船公司拒绝了SUNKOR的换单手续.希望你明白我的意思.而现在,SUNKOR希望你们能向船公司出具一份说明,更正consignee的信息.并作电放(电放:telex release),允许SUNKOR及时换单.


SUNKOR无法正常换单(换单:delivery Order)是因为提单中的Consignee和SUNKOR的公章上的英文不一致.正确的Consignee是:SUNKOR SHANGHAI LTD,而提单中是SUNKOR LTD.所以船公司拒绝了SUNKOR的换单手续.希望你明白我的意思.
而现在,SUNKOR希望你们能向船公司出具一份说明,更正consignee的信息.并作电放(电放:telex release),允许SUNKOR及时换单.
SUNKOR cannot deliver Order as usual because the Consignee in bill of lading is different from the one in the official seal. The right Consignee is SUNKOR SHANGHAI LTD instead of SUNKOR LTD in the bill of lading, so the shipping company refused the formalities of delivering Order. I hope you could understand what I mean.
And now, SUNKOR expect that you could issue a statement to shipping company so as to correct the information of consignee and make a telex release to allow SUNKOR to delivery Order.
SUNKOR cannot deliver Order as usual because the Consignee in bill of lading is different from the one in the official seal. The right Consignee is SUNKOR SHANGHAI LTD instead of SUNKOR LTD in the bill of lading, so the shipping company refused the formalities of delivering Order. I hope you could understand what I mean.
And now, SUNKOR expect that you could issue a statement to shipping company so as to correct the information of consignee and make a telex release to allow SUNKOR to delivery Order.