阅读短文,然后按要求完成问题。   My most exciting day was in November Youth League(青年团) Party in the park. (A)The Chief Secretary started the party at 11 a.m. There were many League Members from all over the city—about 20,000 in all. It was very exciting.   (B), we al


  My most exciting day was in November Youth League(青年团) Party in the park. (A)The Chief Secretary started the party at 11 a.m. There were many League Members from all over the city—about 20,000 in all. It was very exciting.
  (B)________, we all said our League Promise. Then we walked around the park. After that, we all formed into (C)big circles dancing. A helicopter(直升飞机) flew over us and took a photograph from the air. I have a copy of that photograph in my bedroom now.
  After that, we (D)had some activities. There were ninety games stalls(摊位) altogether. I helped at a game. In the game, people tried to throw table-tennis balls into glass jars. It was good fun.
  I (E)________ had time to walk around and look at the other games. There were some good shows, too. There was a talent show and a competition for people wearing the national clothes of different countries. At the end, we came together in groups and sang some songs. It was wonderful to (F)看到这么多朋友 together, and I really enjoyed that day.
1. 将文中划线部分(A)改写为:The Chief Secretary started the party at 11 ____the ____.
2. 在文中(B)和(E)的空白处分别填入适当的单词。
【分析】1. a.m“上午”可以转化为in the morning“在早上”。
2.(B)由下文中出现的Then...After that...可推知,此处应填表示事件发生先后顺序的副词First“首先”。
4. “看见某物”用动词see,不定式符号to后接动词原形;“这么多”修饰的是可数名词“朋友”,故译为so many friends。完整的翻译为:see so many friends。
5. 文章开头第一句My most exciting day was in...点明中心思想,故能说明本文主旨大意的短语可以为exciting day“令人兴奋的日子”。
【分析】1. a.m“上午”可以转化为in the morning“在早上”。
2.(B)由下文中出现的Then...After that...可推知,此处应填表示事件发生先后顺序的副词First“首先”。
4. “看见某物”用动词see,不定式符号to后接动词原形;“这么多”修饰的是可数名词“朋友”,故译为so many friends。完整的翻译为:see so many friends。
5. 文章开头第一句My most exciting day was in...点明中心思想,故能说明本文主旨大意的短语可以为exciting day“令人兴奋的日子”。