希望英语专业的童鞋帮忙翻译翻译,不需要百度或者谷歌翻译出来的内容,谢谢。Fewpeople in Italy thought that Tony Trivisonno would be able to create such agood life for himself. The friend he had sponsored to join him was certainlyamazed when he saw the farm. Yet right from the start Trivisonno


Fewpeople in Italy thought that Tony Trivisonno would be able to create such agood life for himself. The friend he had sponsored to join him was certainlyamazed when he saw the farm. Yet right from the start Trivisonno showed adetermination to get on. When Crawford turned him away, he assumed Trivisonnowould not come back. But he did. Later, when Crawford gave him a job in hisfactory, he worked hard and showed he had the capacity to take on skilled work.With Crawford’s help he managed to get a loan for a house on the basis ofcharacter alone, no down payment needed. Next he went hunting for a farm forsale. When he found one, he was able to send for his family and his dreams wereready to come true.
在意大利很少有人认为托尼 特里韦索诺能够为自己创造一个美好的生活。当他赞助的朋友看到农场时肯定很惊讶。然而,从一开始特里韦索诺就表现出决心继续下去,。当克劳德给他一个在工厂里的工作,他工作努力,表现出... 在意大利很少有人认为托尼 特里韦索诺能够为自己创造一个美好的生活。当他赞助的朋友看到农场时肯定很惊讶。然而,从一开始特里韦索诺就表现出决心继续下去,。当克劳德给他一个在工厂里的工作,他工作努力,表现出...