按照要求,请您写一个关于对话的初二英文作文eve的朋友alice和好朋友吵架了.eve给了她一些建议,alice最后找到了与朋友和好的好办法.请根据所给提示写一段60此左右的对话.(提示:rgue with 、write her a lettrt 、call her upp、say soryy to...,go to her house ,sur-prise、a ticket to...)


(提示:rgue with 、write her a lettrt 、call her upp、say soryy to...,go to her house ,sur-prise、a ticket to...)
Eve: Hi Alice, how is everything?
Alice: Not so good, I just argued with my good friend.
Eve: Oh it can't be that bad.
Alice: We had a big fight and I don't know what to do now.
Eve: There are many things to do if you want to make up with her.
Alice: What would you do?
Eve: You can call her up or to write her a letter to say sorry to her.
Alice: I have a ticket to go to the movie, maybe I can give that to her.
Eve: That will be great, you can go to her house and surprise her.
Alice: That sounds like a good idea, I think I'll just do that. Thanks, Eve.
Eve: You're welcome, goodbye!
Alice: Goodbye!
希望能对你的学习有帮助,别忘了采纳哦 .
Eve: Hi Alice, how is everything?
Alice: Not so good, I just argued with my good friend.
Eve: Oh it can't be that bad.
Alice: We had a big fight and I don't know what to do now.
Eve: There are many things to do if you want to make up with her.
Alice: What would you do?
Eve: You can call her up or to write her a letter to say sorry to her.
Alice: I have a ticket to go to the movie, maybe I can give that to her.
Eve: That will be great, you can go to her house and surprise her.
Alice: That sounds like a good idea, I think I'll just do that. Thanks, Eve.
Eve: You're welcome, goodbye!
Alice: Goodbye!
希望能对你的学习有帮助,别忘了采纳哦 .