情景交际(根据情景,填写适当的句子完成对话)急!Chen:Hey,Wang Li.We have some new clubs this term.( )Wang:I would like to join the Art Club.Chen:( )Wang:Because I like drawing and I want to learn more about art.( )Chen:Well,I would like to join the English Club.( )Wang:Don't wor


Chen:Hey,Wang Li.We have some new clubs this term.( )
Wang:I would like to join the Art Club.
Chen:( )
Wang:Because I like drawing and I want to learn more about art.( )
Chen:Well,I would like to join the English Club.( )
Wang:Don't worry about your English.Lin Mei and I can help you.
Chen:( )I choose the English Club.Than's my favourite.
Chen:Hey,Wang Li.We have some new clubs this term.(Which club would you like to join?)
Wang:I would like to join the Art Club.
Chen:( Why would you like to join it?)
Wang:Because I like drawing and I want to learn more about art.( What about you?)
Chen:Well,I would like to join the English Club.( But my English is not very good.)
Wang:Don't worry about your English.Lin Mei and I can help you.
Chen:( Thank you very much.)I choose the English Club.Than's my favourite.
Chen:Hey,Wang Li.We have some new clubs this term.(Which club would you like to join?)
Wang:I would like to join the Art Club.
Chen:( Why would you like to join it?)
Wang:Because I like drawing and I want to learn more about art.( What about you?)
Chen:Well,I would like to join the English Club.( But my English is not very good.)
Wang:Don't worry about your English.Lin Mei and I can help you.
Chen:( Thank you very much.)I choose the English Club.Than's my favourite.