

today is Tuesday the second of the September.it is sunny.(若是日记,则Tuesday September 2 Sunny)
one day,when i shop in store,i met a couple who were from America.they wanted to buy a camera.but they couldn't speak Chinese,and the salespeople couldn't speak english.so i helped them,and they bought the camera successfully.the couple thanked me.i said that you are welcome.i am happy,because i can help foreigner by english.what a glad day!
today is Tuesday the second of the September.it is sunny.(若是日记,则Tuesday September 2 Sunny)
one day,when i shop in store,i met a couple who were from America.they wanted to buy a camera.but they couldn't speak Chinese,and the salespeople couldn't speak english.so i helped them,and they bought the camera successfully.the couple thanked me.i said that you are welcome.i am happy,because i can help foreigner by english.what a glad day!