英语翻译内容大概:我的爸爸很粗心,然后举一些生活中的小例子(有趣生动一点)我的爸爸也很热情好客 乐于助人(同样加点发挥)内个我是女生


我的爸爸也很热情好客 乐于助人(同样加点发挥)
My dad is the greatest dad in the whole world!My dad does nice things for me when I'm good.He gets things for me that I can't reach.He and I like to play sports together.His favorite sport is BASKETBALL!He is a hero to me because he does cool things with me and my friends.He takes me places if I have been really good or I have really good grades.He's home from work early a lot because he wants to spend time with me.He helps build things like my electric train.My dad and I sleep outside during the summer under the stars!That is my DAD.He's my HERO! My dad is the greatest dad in the whole world!My dad does nice things for me when I'm good.He gets things for me that I can't reach.He and I like to play sports together.His favorite sport is BASKETBALL!He is a hero to me because he does cool things with me and my friends.He takes me places if I have been really good or I have really good grades.He's home from work early a lot because he wants to spend time with me.He helps build things like my electric train.My dad and I sleep outside during the summer under the stars!That is my DAD.He's my HERO!