英语翻译由于本人能力实在有限,我已经看过在线翻译的了.基本不能用.所以麻烦高手看看给翻译下了.摘要 财务管理渗透到企业管理的各个领域、各个环节之中,是企业财务管理的重要组成部分,也是企业财务管理的核心,并贯穿于企业管理的全过程。然后在现代企业财务管理中,财务管理的地位正变得越来越重要,它在企业管理中的地位与作用也逐渐显示出来并被人们所接受。要提高财务管理在企业管理中的作用,就要采取有效措施加强企业财务管理。通过加强财务管理有利于企业合理有效地利用资金,提高资金利用的效果;有利于企业精打细算,努力降低成本费


摘要 财务管理渗透到企业管理的各个领域、各个环节之中,是企业财务管理的重要组成部分,也是企业财务管理的核心,并贯穿于企业管理的全过程。然后在现代企业财务管理中,财务管理的地位正变得越来越重要,它在企业管理中的地位与作用也逐渐显示出来并被人们所接受。要提高财务管理在企业管理中的作用,就要采取有效措施加强企业财务管理。通过加强财务管理有利于企业合理有效地利用资金,提高资金利用的效果;有利于企业精打细算,努力降低成本费用;有利于企业发现生产经营过程中存在的问题,减少财务损失;有利于提高企业生产经营水平;有利于提高经济效益。本文就是针对现代企业加强财务管理的措施展开了探讨。
Abstract penetrated into the financial management of all areas of business management,all aspects,the financial management of enterprises is an important component of the financial management of enterprises is the core of enterprise management and runs through the entire process.Then in the modern enterprise financial management,financial management position is becoming increasingly important in enterprise management status and role of the show and was gradually accepted.To improve the financial management in the enterprise management,it is necessary to take effective measures to strengthen financial management.By strengthening financial management in favor of reasonable and effective use of corporate funds to improve the effectiveness of the use of funds; Careful calculation and strict budgeting in favor of enterprises,efforts to reduce costs; found in favor of corporate production and management problems in the process of reducing financial losses; will help to raise the level of production and operation; will help enhance economic efficiency.This article is for modern enterprises to strengthen financial management measures carried out to explore. Abstract penetrated into the financial management of all areas of business management,all aspects,the financial management of enterprises is an important component of the financial management of enterprises is the core of enterprise management and runs through the entire process.Then in the modern enterprise financial management,financial management position is becoming increasingly important in enterprise management status and role of the show and was gradually accepted.To improve the financial management in the enterprise management,it is necessary to take effective measures to strengthen financial management.By strengthening financial management in favor of reasonable and effective use of corporate funds to improve the effectiveness of the use of funds; Careful calculation and strict budgeting in favor of enterprises,efforts to reduce costs; found in favor of corporate production and management problems in the process of reducing financial losses; will help to raise the level of production and operation; will help enhance economic efficiency.This article is for modern enterprises to strengthen financial management measures carried out to explore.