问2道SAT数学题目.(1)If 537(的102次方) were calculated,it would have 279 digits.What would the digit farthest to the right be(the ones digit)?A 1 B 3 C 4 D 7 E 9(2) A performance was rated on a 3-point scale by an audience.A rating of 1 was given by 30% of the audi


(1)If 537(的102次方) were calculated,it would have 279 digits.What would the digit farthest to the right be(the ones digit)?
A 1 B 3 C 4 D 7 E 9
(2) A performance was rated on a 3-point scale by an audience.A rating of 1 was given by 30% of the audience,a rating of 2 by 60%,and a rating of 3 by 10%.To the nearest tenth,what was the average of the ratings?
A 1.2 B 1.5 C 1.8 D 2.0 E 2.2
1E (If 537(的102次方) were calculated,it would have 279 digits.What would the digit farthest to the right be(the ones digit)?如果求到537的102次方,会有279位数,那个位数是多少) (这个的做法瞎蒙的,数学... 1E (If 537(的102次方) were calculated,it would have 279 digits.What would the digit farthest to the right be(the ones digit)?如果求到537的102次方,会有279位数,那个位数是多少) (这个的做法瞎蒙的,数学...