sat数学题 twice as many A as During a visit by the census taker,one child in a family said,“I have twice as many brothers as sisters.”Another child in the family said,“I don’t.I have thesame number of brothers and sisters.” How manychildren are there in the


sat数学题 twice as many A as
During a visit by the census taker,one child in a
family said,“I have twice as many brothers as sisters.”
Another child in the family said,“I don’t.I have the
same number of brothers and sisters.” How many
children are there in the family?
题目中有一句 “I have twice as many brothers as sisters.”我上网查了一下twice as many A as 之前的前辈都说 B是A的两倍.但是这道题最后的答案是 4 boys 和 3 girls,总共7个小孩,这样子的话,那句的意思就是brothers是sisters的两倍咯?
应该是A是B的两倍,所以第一个小孩是女孩,所以她看家里就是 4个男孩,2个女孩,所以brothers是sisters的两倍第二个小孩是男孩,所以他看家里就是 3个男孩,3个女孩,所以,brothers 和sisters 一样多看到类似的题,先逻辑分... 应该是A是B的两倍,所以第一个小孩是女孩,所以她看家里就是 4个男孩,2个女孩,所以brothers是sisters的两倍第二个小孩是男孩,所以他看家里就是 3个男孩,3个女孩,所以,brothers 和sisters 一样多看到类似的题,先逻辑分...