以关爱健康为题的英语作文,要求文中要有‘以前自己身体很虚弱,经常生病不能上学’‘现在通过锻炼,身体变得强壮有力’‘保持健康的方法 多吃水果蔬菜,每天锻炼一小时,早睡早起,讲究卫生’ 不少于80字,是初中英语作文,


要求文中要有‘以前自己身体很虚弱,经常生病不能上学’‘现在通过锻炼,身体变得强壮有力’‘保持健康的方法 多吃水果蔬菜,每天锻炼一小时,早睡早起,讲究卫生’ 不少于80字,
Caring our health is very important.I was very weak before,and was frequently absent because of this.It made me very upset.Then mom took me to see a doctor,doctor checked for me and told me " You need eat more fresh fruit and vegetables,keep doing exercises for an hour,pay attention to hygiene,go to bed early and get up early everyday,then you become strong." I did as doctor said,now I am very healthy and never be absent,I am so happy.
Caring our health is very important.I was very weak before,and was frequently absent because of this.It made me very upset.Then mom took me to see a doctor,doctor checked for me and told me " You need eat more fresh fruit and vegetables,keep doing exercises for an hour,pay attention to hygiene,go to bed early and get up early everyday,then you become strong." I did as doctor said,now I am very healthy and never be absent,I am so happy.