求翻译成英语帮忙翻译下: 但是你的父母不同意 我知道你很苦恼 我想我有办法帮助你 你告诉你父母 就说 难得暑假旅游是最好的一种休息方法 而且我从中可以学到很多.


帮忙翻译下: 但是你的父母不同意 我知道你很苦恼 我想我有办法帮助你 你告诉你父母 就说 难得暑假旅游是最好的一种休息方法 而且我从中可以学到很多.
I know you want to, but your parents didn't agree, so you were annoyed. I think I can help you. You can told them" Travaling in the summer holiday is a best break way, and the most important is you can learn many from that" I know you want to, but your parents didn't agree, so you were annoyed. I think I can help you. You can told them" Travaling in the summer holiday is a best break way, and the most important is you can learn many from that"