阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。   What do we think with? Only the brain? Hardly. The brain is like a telephone exchange. It is the switchboard (电话总机) but not the whole system. Its function (功能) is to receive incoming signals make proper




  What do we think with? Only the brain? Hardly. The brain is like a telephone exchange. It is the switchboard (电话总机) but not the whole system. Its function (功能) is to receive incoming signals make proper connections and send the messages through to their destination (目的地). For efficient (有效的) service the body must function as a whole.

  But where is the “mind”? Is it in the brain? Or perhaps in the nervous system? After all can we say that the mind is in any particular place? It is not a thing like a leg or even the brain It is a function an activity. Aristotle twenty-three hundred years ago observed that the mind was to the body what cutting was to the ax (斧). When the ax is not in use there is no cutting So with the mind. “Mind ” said Charles H. Woolbert “is what the body is doing.”

  If this activity is necessary for thinking it is also necessary for carrying thought from one person to another. Observe how people go about the business of ordinary conversation. If you have never done this painstakingly you have a surprise in store for good conversationalists are almost constantly in motion. Their heads are continually nodding and shaking sometimes so vigorously (有力的) that you wonder how their necks can stand the strain (拉紧).

  Even the legs and feet are active. As for the hands and arms they are seldom still for more than a few seconds at a time.

  These people remember are not making speeches. They are morely common folk trying to make others understand what they have in mind. they are not conseious of (意识到) movement. Their speech is not studied. They are just human creatures in a human environment trying to adapt (适应) themselves to a social situation. Yet they talk not only with oral language but with visible actions that involve (包括) practically every muscle in the body.

  In short because people really think all over a speaker must talk all over if he succeeds in making people think.

1.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

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A.Bodily Communication.

B.Bodily Actions.

C.Spoken Language.


2.Which of the following statements would the author agree with?

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A.Thinking is social phenomenon (现象).

B.Thinking is only a brain function.

C.Thinking is a function of the nervous system.

D.Thinking is the sum total of bodily activity.

3.In communication it is necessary not only to employ speech but also ________.

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A.to speak directly to the other person

B.to employ a variety of bodily movements

C.to be certain that the other person is listening

D.to pay great attention to the other person's actions

4.It can be inferred from the passage that the basic function of bodily activity in speech is to ________.

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A.make the listener feel moved

B.make the speaker understood

C.emphasize the speaker's spoken words

D.pass the speaker's implied meaning to the listener

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

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A.The brain is compared to a telephone exchange.

B.The mind is an activity of the nervous system.

C.Some people remain still while talking to others.

D.Many people move their bodies on purpose while talking.
