英语翻译1.用许多方式 2.搞恶作剧 3.剪出几张卡片 4.得到款待 5.装扮 6.做南瓜灯 7.许多服装店 8.来自不同国家的食物 9.适合女孩子 10.在顶楼 11.等我结束 12.会友的好地方 13.还需要10把小刀 14.去旅行 16.其中一个模特 17.适合于…… 18.像这样的衣服 19.看起来很怪 20.想当一名足球运动员 21.有趣的一天 22.试穿 23.举行时装表演 24.为希望工程募捐


1.用许多方式 2.搞恶作剧 3.剪出几张卡片 4.得到款待 5.装扮 6.做南瓜灯 7.许多服装店 8.来自不同国家的食物 9.适合女孩子 10.在顶楼 11.等我结束 12.会友的好地方 13.还需要10把小刀 14.去旅行 16.其中一个模特 17.适合于…… 18.像这样的衣服 19.看起来很怪 20.想当一名足球运动员 21.有趣的一天 22.试穿 23.举行时装表演 24.为希望工程募捐
1.use a lot of way
2.make a practical joke
3.cut out some pieces of paper
4.get entertain
5.dress up
6.Make Spanish gourd light
7.A lot of toggery
8.come from different countries food
9.Be suitable to girls
10.at the top of the building
11.Wait for me to be over
12.good place to meet friends
13.need 10 knives
14.go on a trip
16.A model among them
18.clothes like this
19.looks very strange
20.want to be a football player
21.an interesting day
22.try on
23.hold fashion show
24.donate money to the hope project
1.use a lot of way
2.make a practical joke
3.cut out some pieces of paper
4.get entertain
5.dress up
6.Make Spanish gourd light
7.A lot of toggery
8.come from different countries food
9.Be suitable to girls
10.at the top of the building
11.Wait for me to be over
12.good place to meet friends
13.need 10 knives
14.go on a trip
16.A model among them
18.clothes like this
19.looks very strange
20.want to be a football player
21.an interesting day
22.try on
23.hold fashion show
24.donate money to the hope project