英语翻译英国朗曼出版社1986年出版的《朗曼应用语言学词典》对双语教学是这样解释的:“the use of foreign language in school forteaching of content subjects.”双语教学是指以两种语言作为媒介语言的教学.这两种语言中,通常一种是母语,另一种是外语( 本文指英语).它有着既要完成专业学科教学,又担负着提高学习者外语水平的双重目标.


英国朗曼出版社1986年出版的《朗曼应用语言学词典》对双语教学是这样解释的:“the use of foreign language in school forteaching of content subjects.”双语教学是指以两种语言作为媒介语言的教学.这两种语言中,通常一种是母语,另一种是外语( 本文指英语).它有着既要完成专业学科教学,又担负着提高学习者外语水平的双重目标.
British Langman press in 1986 published "Langman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics" is explained on the bilingual teaching: "the use of foreign language in school forTeaching of content subjects. bilingual teaching" refers to the two language as a medium of language teaching. These two kinds of language, usually a native language is, in another language (in English). It is to complete the major subjects teaching, and charged with improving the level of foreign language learning dual target. British Langman press in 1986 published "Langman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics" is explained on the bilingual teaching: "the use of foreign language in school forTeaching of content subjects. bilingual teaching" refers to the two language as a medium of language teaching. These two kinds of language, usually a native language is, in another language (in English). It is to complete the major subjects teaching, and charged with improving the level of foreign language learning dual target.