英语翻译不必一字不差的翻译,请不要用翻译软件,1.今天是星期六,我和同学一起外出野餐,按计划爬西山(the western mountain)2.早上在校门口集合,7点出发,出发后不久开始下小雨,但我们继续骑车,一小时后到达山脚.3.等我们爬上山顶的时候雨已经停了,我们享受着在山顶看到的景色.4.我们在山顶上照相,大声的唱歌,四处游玩着,一起下棋,在山上吃午餐,玩得很开心.5.午餐后我们下山,4点回家,虽然感觉精疲力尽,但我收获了快乐.


1.今天是星期六,我和同学一起外出野餐,按计划爬西山(the western mountain)
1.Today is Saturday.I will go outsides with my classmates for a picnic and climb the western moutain on schedule.
2.We gathered at the school gate in the morning and set off at 7:00.Soon after our start it began to rain.But we continued riding and reached the mountain foot one hour later.
3.When we reached the hilltop,it stopped raining.And we enjoyed the view from the mountain peak.
4.We took photos,sang loudly,played about,played chess and had lunch on the mountain top.We enjoyed a happy time.(几个动词连用表示一系列的动作和行为)
5.We came down the hill after lunch and went home at 4:00 p.m.Though totally exhausted,I felt very happy.
1.Today is Saturday.I will go outsides with my classmates for a picnic and climb the western moutain on schedule.
2.We gathered at the school gate in the morning and set off at 7:00.Soon after our start it began to rain.But we continued riding and reached the mountain foot one hour later.
3.When we reached the hilltop,it stopped raining.And we enjoyed the view from the mountain peak.
4.We took photos,sang loudly,played about,played chess and had lunch on the mountain top.We enjoyed a happy time.(几个动词连用表示一系列的动作和行为)
5.We came down the hill after lunch and went home at 4:00 p.m.Though totally exhausted,I felt very happy.