微生物实验的一些问题,用英语回答一下微生物学实验问题,简单用英语回答一下,还有Why immersion oil is dropped on the observed sampleWhen observing samples using microscope ,why employ objective lens in the orders of 10X 40X 100XWhat differences are there in useing oil lens and ordinary objective


Why immersion oil is dropped on the observed sample
When observing samples using microscope ,why employ objective lens in the orders of 10X 40X 100X
What differences are there in useing oil lens and ordinary objective lens
1) So there is no light refraction while viewing from the lenses.
2) They are in order of lowest to highest magnification and resolution.
3) Oil lenses has higher magnification and resolution by applying a special immersion oil that allows the numerical aperture to exceed one.Ordinary lenses don't have immersion oil and therefore would have light refraction,leading to less resolution and magnification.
1) So there is no light refraction while viewing from the lenses.
2) They are in order of lowest to highest magnification and resolution.
3) Oil lenses has higher magnification and resolution by applying a special immersion oil that allows the numerical aperture to exceed one.Ordinary lenses don't have immersion oil and therefore would have light refraction,leading to less resolution and magnification.