

Learning foreign languages is the ultimate goal of intercultural communication, therefore, training students' "ability to cross-cultural communication" is the primary task of the middle school English teaching. Because language is a special kind of cultural phenomenon, is also the most important cultural carrier, because do not know the culture behind the language, or don't understand the difference between Chinese and western culture, ambiguity, misunderstood or pragmatic failures appeared frequently in cross-cultural communication. So the bilingual teaching in the teaching of English culture is very important part. The article puts forward some bilingual culture teaching strategy Learning foreign languages is the ultimate goal of intercultural communication, therefore, training students' "ability to cross-cultural communication" is the primary task of the middle school English teaching. Because language is a special kind of cultural phenomenon, is also the most important cultural carrier, because do not know the culture behind the language, or don't understand the difference between Chinese and western culture, ambiguity, misunderstood or pragmatic failures appeared frequently in cross-cultural communication. So the bilingual teaching in the teaching of English culture is very important part. The article puts forward some bilingual culture teaching strategy