求改作文《Electricity》《Electricity》Electricity plays a very important role in our daily life.We can't live without electricity.Electricity is invisible,but we can change it into different forms of energy.Electricity comes from a power station.It is connected t


Electricity plays a very important role in our daily life.We can't live without electricity.Electricity is invisible,but we can change it into different forms of energy.Electricity comes from a power station.It is connected to the cables that buried under the street.And the cables are connected to the thin wires.Electricity throughs the thin wires then comes into our flats.Electricity is a good servant but a dangerous one.On one hand,it is good and useful.It brings a lot of conveniences to our life.For example,fridges,ovens and vacumn cleaner save our time to do the homework.Everyday wonders such as computers and televisions to bring entertainment and news to us.On the other hand,sometimes electricity will cause fires and accients .So we should be careful with it and no play with it.Therefore,use electricity properly is able to make our life colorful and help the society develop.
“So we should be careful with it and no play with it.”中,应把“no”改成“not”吧,no修饰名词,not修饰动词.
“So we should be careful with it and no play with it.”中,应把“no”改成“not”吧,no修饰名词,not修饰动词.