英语翻译1有没有可能说服他戒烟呢?(possible) 2如果你来电话我不在,请给我的秘书留个口信(available) 3这本书几乎涉及了关于语言教学的所有重要论题(cover) 4从我们已收集的信息来判断,这家公司极有可能在下星期宣布破产(declare bankruptcy) (judge from) 5她把一生都献给了无家可归的孩子(devote) 6只有高级官员才能接触到这些机密档案(access)


1有没有可能说服他戒烟呢?(possible) 2如果你来电话我不在,请给我的秘书留个口信(available) 3这本书几乎涉及了关于语言教学的所有重要论题(cover) 4从我们已收集的信息来判断,这家公司极有可能在下星期宣布破产(declare bankruptcy) (judge from) 5她把一生都献给了无家可归的孩子(devote) 6只有高级官员才能接触到这些机密档案(access)
1,Does it possible to purchase him to give up smoking?
2,If I'm not available when you called,please leave a message for my secretary.
3,This book covered almost all important thesis about the teaching of language.
4,Judging from the information that we have ,this company will mostly like to declare bankruptcy next week.
5,She devote her whole life to the homeless children.
6,Only high level officer can access these confidential files.
1,Does it possible to purchase him to give up smoking?
2,If I'm not available when you called,please leave a message for my secretary.
3,This book covered almost all important thesis about the teaching of language.
4,Judging from the information that we have ,this company will mostly like to declare bankruptcy next week.
5,She devote her whole life to the homeless children.
6,Only high level officer can access these confidential files.