

受母语习得错误分析的影响,英国应用语言学家 Corder在 1967 年发表题为 The Significance of Learners' Errors 的论文,认为错误分析方法可以在第二语言习得中应用.此后,众多的语言学研究者将语言学习者所犯错误作为研究重心,对语言学习者的错误进行系统分析,从而发现第二语言习得的过程.从此,第二语言习得由对比分析进入到错误分析(erroranalysis)时代.
University English teaching goal is to improve the students' comprehensive ability in using English, University English writing is a concrete manifestation of this comprehensive application ability. In the English writing process, often a lot every kind of errors. Based on the error analysis theory, the English writing errors are classified, and the causes are analyzed and summarized, and put forward the corresponding correction principle, expect to improve the level of English writing in two language acquisition will help.
English writing is one of the manifestation of the comprehensive application of the students' English ability, but also an important form of expression of thought to communicate with words. The level of English writing in a large extent reflect the students listen, say, read the course number and the corresponding language ability, so it is important to improve students' English comprehensive ability of English writing teaching. In the teaching of English writing, error analysis method is an effective method.
Affected by the analysis of language acquisition error, the British linguist Corder entitled The Significance of Learners'Errors in 1967, that the error analysis method can be applied in the field of second language acquisition. Since then, many researchers of linguistics to language learner errors as the research center, system analysis of the language learner errors, which found that the second language acquisition process. From then on, the second language acquisition by comparative analysis to error analysis (erroranalysis) era.
Error analysis is a systematic analysis of the learners in the process of errors in the second language acquisition, explore the source of error, thus revealing the learners' second language learning process and rules, help second language learners to correct mistakes to improve learning methods, to improve the learning ability and level of. Error analysis as a research field in second language acquisition is considered to be one of the important progress of contemporary research of Applied Linguistics, has important implications for foreign language teaching.
University English teaching goal is to improve the students' comprehensive ability in using English, University English writing is a concrete manifestation of this comprehensive application ability. In the English writing process, often a lot every kind of errors. Based on the error analysis theory, the English writing errors are classified, and the causes are analyzed and summarized, and put forward the corresponding correction principle, expect to improve the level of English writing in two language acquisition will help.
English writing is one of the manifestation of the comprehensive application of the students' English ability, but also an important form of expression of thought to communicate with words. The level of English writing in a large extent reflect the students listen, say, read the course number and the corresponding language ability, so it is important to improve students' English comprehensive ability of English writing teaching. In the teaching of English writing, error analysis method is an effective method.
Affected by the analysis of language acquisition error, the British linguist Corder entitled The Significance of Learners'Errors in 1967, that the error analysis method can be applied in the field of second language acquisition. Since then, many researchers of linguistics to language learner errors as the research center, system analysis of the language learner errors, which found that the second language acquisition process. From then on, the second language acquisition by comparative analysis to error analysis (erroranalysis) era.
Error analysis is a systematic analysis of the learners in the process of errors in the second language acquisition, explore the source of error, thus revealing the learners' second language learning process and rules, help second language learners to correct mistakes to improve learning methods, to improve the learning ability and level of. Error analysis as a research field in second language acquisition is considered to be one of the important progress of contemporary research of Applied Linguistics, has important implications for foreign language teaching.