英语翻译在我们收到的报价中 你的价格还是偏高的我们是想寻找一个好的供应商长期合作的 而且如果价格合适我们是想马上订货的 但是现在以你的报价 我们很难从你那里订货.再加一句 请给我一个你可以接受的最低价 如果价格合适 我会告知我的老板和你联系我想我们可以接受的最高价格不会超过$2太多。


在我们收到的报价中 你的价格还是偏高的
我们是想寻找一个好的供应商长期合作的 而且如果价格合适我们是想马上订货的
但是现在以你的报价 我们很难从你那里订货.
请给我一个你可以接受的最低价 如果价格合适 我会告知我的老板和你联系
your quotation is a bit high among all received.
we are looking forward a long-term cooperation and if your price is suitable,we can place order immediately.but we can't order from you,based on current quotation.
please advice your best price,if it is suitable,i will inform my boss to contact you.
I think the highest price we can bear is not much more than $2
your quotation is a bit high among all received.
we are looking forward a long-term cooperation and if your price is suitable,we can place order immediately.but we can't order from you,based on current quotation.
please advice your best price,if it is suitable,i will inform my boss to contact you.
I think the highest price we can bear is not much more than $2